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How To Kayak Camp Tips & Hacks

How To Kayak Camp: Tips & Hacks

Your heart goes out there whenever you think about kayaking, doesn't it? Kayak Camping is always a fabulous yet crucial deal, whether you're experienced enough or a complete neophyte.  From the gear to the camping spot, everything should be picked following appropriate data.

So with all the necessary details, we came up with some tips and hacks for you which says all about how to kayak camp?

For kayak camping, you need to pack your kayak with camping gears and paddle away. The purpose is to camp and explores long distances. Choose the location according to your preferences; you can search online. Then you can move through the water with the double-bladed paddle that a kayak has to explore nature.

There's more to read up; dig in!

Find a Safe and Secure Camping Place (Lake, sea, river or white-water)

The river should be the ideal place for kayaking. When choosing the place for kayaking, people get confused. It would help if you didn't choose a place on average either. Because when it comes to adventure, people's preferences are widely different. Let us get you through some facts that can help you choose. 

River Or Sea

People love river kayaking the most. For beginners, the sea is not a wise option, though.  Because you need to learn to walk before you run, enough practice across rivers or lakes can help you kayak around the sea. But when your location is the river, make sure you choose a calm river without any rough parts. 


Lake is also a preferable choice. Indeed, the lake is a safe option. But in that case, your area of kayaking will be slight. If you're a beginner, the lake is an ideal option for you. 


White-water is totally off the table when it comes to kayaking. They are not safe, and they make paddling very difficult. 

The Perfect Time For Kayak Camping

While kayaking, you should plan everything perfectly; time is the most significant thing to think about here. Morning hours are the best suitable for this particular camping trip. The afternoon wouldn't be the right time since the wind might pick up. As a result, kayaking gets riskier in the afternoon.  

If you ask about the favourable season, we would say all of them. Kayaking is such a breeze and an attainable adventure that it's fun almost every season. But spring, summer, and autumn make kayaking even more unique; we can't deny it. 

The reason behind this is the weather. Warmer weather is preferable for enjoying this fantastic task. In cold temperatures, it's a little less comfortable to kayak. 

What Is The Best Kayak For Camping?

Can you imagine being a pro at kayaking without a reliable kayak? That sounds like a joke to us. However, if you're new at this, you might not know what makes a kayak stand out. Let us teach you those specifications. 

Weight Capacity: Choose a kayak that has a whopping 350-pound capacity at least. Don't settle for less unless you want a riskier kayak. 

Space: Find plenty of cargo space. You need two mesh gear pockets, two waterproof hatches and a water bottle holder if possible. 

Size: The longer and leaner the kayak is, the better it will perform. You'll get better speed and stable kayaking with that kayak. Stability is essential for turning the kayak effortlessly.

The speed is much lower with a broader and shorter kayak. If you're a pro at this, choose a 12-foot one, and the 10-foot one is for beginners with less high-end speed. 

Materials (Pontoon Hulls Or Fibreglass)

For stability, pontoon hulls are the best choice. They are considered to be the best fishing kayak. But they are a little slow and offer less manoeuvrability. 

On the other hand, fibreglass comparatively is a lighter kayak which is stiffer. Its smoothie surface makes it very comfortable. Polythene or carbon kayaks are better than most others. 

Packing for Kayak Camping

When you plan on multi-day fun kayaking days, you should make a list of things you need to carry with you. You must make this list thinking of all of your necessities at least twice. You wouldn't want your trip to get ruined due to the lack of one or two items, do you? 

We don't want that either. So here's a list that will give you a remembrance for every single urgency.

Kayak & The Companions

  • Kayak
  • Hatch covers
  • Paddle
  • Spare paddle
  • Paddle float 
  • Sponge
  • Baller
  • Tow belt
  • Bilge pump
  • Spray skirt

The Gadgets


  • Knife
  • Emergency strobe
  • Whistle
  • Spray skirt
  • Hydration Pack
  • First Aid kit


  • Maps
  • Charts
  • Kayaking Guidebook

Foods & Stuff

  • Water Bottles
  • Coffee Thermos
  • Dry fruits
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Towel

This is the essential list of stuff that you must need for kayaking. Trust us or not, experts carry thrice as much stuff as the list says. However, we were hoping you could learn some packing tricks to make the whole journey hassle-free. 

  • Try taking more minor things to your camping. Smaller tools will save a lot of space and offer you stability.
  • Different accessory bags should be different colour-coded for ease of identification.
  • Heavier items should stay in the middle of the kayak. Luther items can be at the ends. 

Kayak camping gear/ Essential Kayak Camping Gear

We've always suggested going through your gear checklist at least once before starting your trip. All the gestures are tributed just to a safe, convenient and comfortable journey.

However, let's learn about essential kayak camping gear.

Kayak : You might wonder why we mention the most obvious thing. Chances are simple, the better the kayak, the greater the experience. It would help if you got a kayak with at least a 350-pound capacity. 

Blige Pump: No matter how carefully you paddle, extra water will bother you even when there's rain. That's when you can rely on the pump that effectively removes water from the cockpit. 

A Comfortable Kayak Seat: For going on with paddling, you need to get a comfortable seat. Otherwise, your back will start to pain after one or two hours of paddling. 

Repair Kit: We realise repairing the kayak is not a camping job. But we don't know what mishap can tag along with the road. So you should carry a repair kit and learn how to use the tools. 

Camping Stuff: Camping essentials include a bunch of things. You should carry tents, sleeping bags, camping chairs, flashlights, camping tools & gadgets and so on. 

Basic Tips For Planning your First Kayak Camping Trip

If you're one of those who will hit kayaking for the first time, you have a lot to learn. Kayaking is enjoyable until you make the slightest mistake. It's a pretty delicate situation. But we won't leave your hands till you learn all the significant facts. Follow our trucks to enjoy a blissful adventure. 

  • During the first half of your trip, you should head into the wind. Because if you do so, you can leave the kayak downwind later when you feel tired. 
  • Don't miss out on carrying a first and kit. For beginners, that's the most significant camping gear. 
  • While kayaking, wear comfortable all-day wearable clothes to stay comfortable and focused.
  • Make sure you're choosing a location avoiding white water rapids and dangerous sections of the river.
  • Before you start your journey, arrange a nearby emergency contact who can help you if something goes wrong. If he's a family member or friend, hand him a copy of the map before you; this way, you're on the safe side.
  • Carry skin protection creams.
  • Ensure proper weight distribution all over the kayak for stability. 


Kayaking is got to be the most joyous camping to exist. Away from stress and chaos, a few days in the arms of nature sounds heavenly to all. But no matter how eagerly you've been waiting for an opportunity, never jump into that before you learn all tips, hacks, tricks and safety requirements of kayaking. 

Keeping all of those in mind, we've answered the question of how to kayak camp? Please follow our safety tips and prioritise your safety overall. Among all other camping gear, add a first aid kit, emergency medicines and plenty of healthy food.

Good luck with your wonderful exploration.  

Articles: 48

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